Harmonia offers you the cheapest* tariff on the market - this is based on your total sum insured.
For sums insured up to € 1,000, the tariff is only € 25 per year as a lump sum.
Note that this is a net flat rate, from which your gross amount payable is calculated by multiplying by the factors.
Use our premium calculator, service to find out the amount you actually pay.
The basic premium decreases as the sum insured increases and is multiplied by the factors of the individual instrument categories. There is no deductible. The following table shows some examples.

Sum insured (total) in € | Net contribution rate in % per year | Premium in € net per year |
Up to 1.000,- | - | 25,- |
1.000,- | 2,5 | 25,- |
5.000,- | 1,0129 | 50,56 |
7.000,- | 0,8347 | 58,43 |
10.000,- | 0,70 | 70,- |
12.000,- | 0,6482 | 77,78 |
15.000,- | 0,5972 | 89,59 |
17.000,- | 0,5737 | 97,52 |
20.000,- | 0,5476 | 109,52 |
25.000,- | 0,5187 | 129,68 |
30.000,- | 0,5 | 150,- |
50.000,- | 0,4630 | 232,15 |
100.000,- | 0,4398 | 439,82 |
Status: 2017
Particularly high-quality instruments on request
String instruments | 1 |
Bellows instruments | 1,1 |
Cellos | 1,2 |
Woodwinds (without saxophones) | 1,3 |
Bows, plucked instruments | 1,5 |
Percussion | 1,6 |
Harps | 1,7 |
Double basses, brass instruments and saxophones | 2 |
Electrical and electronic instruments | 2 |
Pianos, grand pianos, harpsichords, cases and accessories | 0,8 |
Freight / Postage | 5 |